Here is an updated schedule of opportunities to learn about the Bond. If you would like to know more about our Bond question, please visit our website at or contact Mr. Powell at
almost 2 years ago, Travis Powell
Schedule of presentations
Ironwood Track and Field clothing is now available for purchase. Orders are open through April 23. Show your support for Ironwood! Orders can be placed at this website:
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Track and Field picture
Kindergarteners from Mrs. Lavinder-Wangelin’s room practiced their writing skills through an activity where they described what they looked like. Their writings were then given to Mrs. Lavinder’s 4th grade class in hopes that their older buddies would bring their descriptions to life! The littles were excited to have such amazing role models to work with.
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
4 students hold up a writing sample and their picture
4 students hold up a writing sample and their picture
4 students hold up a writing sample and their picture
4 students hold up a writing sample and their picture
4 students hold up a writing sample and their picture
4 students hold up a writing sample and their picture
3 students hold up a writing sample and their picture
Today is National Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! We want to take this opportunity to thank all of the paraprofessionals who work tirelessly to support our students and teachers every day. Paraprofessionals play a vital role in our schools. They provide one-on-one support to students, assist teachers with classroom management, and help to create a safe and positive learning environment. We are so grateful for all that our paraprofessionals do. Thank you for your dedication, your commitment, and your love of learning. You make a difference in the lives of so many students every day.
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Thank you to our Teacher Aides poster
It's National Librarian Day! We are lucky to have Mrs. Gallo as our Library Support staff! We appreciate all that you do to help us find information, learn new things, and connect with others. You are the keeper of knowledge and the champion of literacy, and we are so grateful for your dedication. Great things about librarians: They are always willing to help. Whether you need to find a book, learn how to use a computer, or just want to chat, librarians are always available to lend a helping hand. They are passionate about knowledge. Librarians love to learn and share their knowledge with others. They are always up-to-date on the latest books and resources, and they are always happy to recommend something new to read. They are creative and innovative. They are advocates for literacy. Librarians believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and grow, and they are committed to providing access to information and resources that support literacy. Thank you, Mrs. Gallo, for all that you do! We are so grateful for your dedication to knowledge and literacy.
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Happy School Librarian Day poster
Cancellation: There will be NO Spring Picture Day tomorrow, April 5.
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Kindergarten Registration starts tomorrow for the 2023-24 school year! Call the Main Office at 906-932-0932 x120 to schedule your appointment. ☎️
almost 2 years ago, Chantel Spear
Kindergarten Registration Flyer
Dear Families, We have used our six allocated snow days for the school year. Any additional snow days will need to be made up. We have built snow make up days into our calendar to prevent us from extending the school year into June. In the event that a snow day is called this week, we will have school on Monday, April 10, 2023. In light of the current storm forecast for our region, we are closely monitoring the weather to ensure student safety. Stay tuned for further updates. Superintendent Powell
almost 2 years ago, Travis Powell
Snow Day Explanation
Ice Storm Prediction
Ice Storm Prediction
The Spring Scholastic Book Fair is happening soon! It starts April 11 and runs through April 14. You can even shop online starting on the 11th, at The Book Fair accepts cash, checks, cards, and eWallet.
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Flyer for the spring book fair
It's National Assistant Principal's Week! Assistant principals are the unsung heroes of our education system. They work tirelessly to support teachers, motivate students, and create a positive learning environment. We are so grateful for Mr. Martinson's dedication and commitment to our school. Here are just a few of the things that assistant principals do: They provide guidance and support to teachers. They help to develop and implement school policies. They work with students to resolve conflicts and address behavioral issues. They oversee the safety and security of the school. Assistant principals play a vital role in the success of our schools. They are essential to creating a positive learning environment where all students can thrive. Thank you, Mr. Martinson, for your hard work and dedication. We appreciate you!
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Happy National Assistant Principal Week!
If your child took part in the 2023 GOISD Reading Challenge, and filled out the "March is Reading Month" Bingo Card, please have it turned in to their teacher or to the main office by THIS THURSDAY, April 6. Prizes will be awarded later this month!
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
GOISD Reading Bingo Card
Don't forget - Yearbook orders are due by Friday, April 14! Go to to order yours today!
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
LOCAL HOST FAMILIES NEEDED for International Exchange Students The Council for Educational Travel, USA, also known as CETUSA, has been coordinating exchange experiences for high school students, university students, and young professionals since 1995. CETUSA's mission is "to encourage a lifelong journey of global peace and understanding, for the students, the host families, and the communities that are part of the exchange experience". CETUSA's Corporate office is in Grand Rapids, Michigan with local coordinators located nationwide in the communities where the students are placed. Deb Swartz of Saxon is a Local Community Coordinator that provides support for every placement with minimum monthly contact, and more often if needed. We also have a 24 hour student services hotline should any emergencies arise. Here's a list of some of the countries our students are coming from: Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Australia, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Hong Kong, Japan,Thailand, Vietnam, Guadeloupe, Czech Republic, Brazil, and Mongolia. We are currently accepting applications for host families in Ironwood and surrounding areas of the U.P. and northern Wisconsin.
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Flyer seeking host families
Here are several opportunities to learn more about the Bond question for Ironwood Area Schools that will be on the ballot May 2.
almost 2 years ago, Travis Powell
Coffee Talk schedule
Updated Bond Schedule
Check out our attendance challenge for the elementary, which starts today and runs through May 5. Attendance is is a major factor in student learning!
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
K-6 Spring Attendance Challenge information
Would you like to learn more about the Ironwood Area Schools Bond initiative? Come see Superintendent Powell at any of the community forums scheduled here. The format will consist of approximately 20 minutes of presentation followed by Q&A.
almost 2 years ago, Travis Powell
Bond Presentation Schedule
Spring Picture Day is on April 5th! If interested, please register your child(ren) by April 3rd.
almost 2 years ago, Chantel Spear
Spring Pictures Flyer
Mrs. Rubatt’s class had a great Friday before spring break! They made cloud dough! They had a blast mixing the ingredients then playing with it. They added cookie cutters as well! Good way to end the week!
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Student plays with dough
A student looks at her fingers which are full of dough
A student sets up his dough for the cookie cutter
A student shows off two cookie cut pieces of dough
A student shows off a big smile next to his desk
Two students roll out dough
A student mashes the cloud dough on the desk
A student stretches the dough out in front of her
A student holds up a finished product
A student scoops up the dough
Aidan Bach performed two different solos at district festival in Bessemer on March 22. Both her classical song and her musical theater song were performed from the Class A list. She received a 1 star on both, which qualifies her for state on both solos. Excellent work, Aidan!
almost 2 years ago, Sheri Schmidt
Aidan sings her solo in front of a group of people