Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the Ironwood Area Schools app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email/text for instructions to sign up and access new features.
7 months ago, Ironwood Schools
Rooms info graphic
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Ironwood Area Schools app! The same district app will be where the district expects all guardians to communicate with teachers. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app after Sept 16. This is the perfect time to submit all Back to School forms in PowerSchool and update your contact information over the weekend! This will ensure that you receive your invite! Please review this Rooms FAQs page for questions:
7 months ago, Ironwood Schools
Rooms info graphic
LOCATION UPDATE! The Red Devil National Honor Society is sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive this Thursday, September 12th from 9 am to 2 pm. The drive will be held at Incredible Bank at 200 S. Suffolk St. Students 16 and older can sign up in the office or in Mrs. Jacisin's room (307) Students who are 16 years old require a signed permission slip. Public donors can sign up by calling 1-800 RED-Cross(1-800-733-2767) or by visiting and enter REDDEVILS to schedule an appointment. Every unit donated has the potential to save 3 lives and helps a student in Ironwood earn scholarship funding. We hope to see you there!
7 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
Blood Drive NHS Location Update
Reminder! There is no school on Friday, August 30th or Monday, September 2nd. Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!
7 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
Labor Day No School IAS
Middle School Boys and Girls Cross Country practice will begin on Monday, August 26. Practice will start at 3:30 PM by the football field. All student-athletes must have a physical on file in order to participate.
7 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
Middle School Cross Country IAS
Middle School Girls Basketball practice will begin on Monday, August 26th. Practice will be in the downstairs gymnasium from 3:30-5:00. All student-athletes must have a physical on file in order to participate.
7 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
Middle School Girls Basketball
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the Ironwood Area Schools app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email/texts for instructions to sign up and access new features.
7 months ago, Ironwood Schools
Rooms info graphic
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Ironwood Area Schools app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app afterAugust 21st. Download for Android Download for iPhone
7 months ago, Ironwood Schools
Rooms info graphic
We can hardly believe the school year is almost back! One week from today is Back To School Night! Please make sure to attend and grab some hotdogs off the Grill from Mr. Martinson!
8 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
Ironwood Area Schools Back to School Night
The Elementary School Supply List is now available!
8 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
School Supply list K-6
📢 Join Our Team! Ironwood Area Schools is Hiring! 📢 We are excited to announce that we are looking for a dedicated full-time Elementary Special Education Teacher to join our amazing team! If you have a passion for helping students succeed, we want to hear from you! 💼 Position Available: Full-Time Elementary Special Education Teacher 🏫 Location: Ironwood Area Schools But that's not all! We have multiple other job positions available as well. Explore all the opportunities to join our supportive and dynamic community. 👉 Visit our website for a complete list of job openings and to apply: #IronwoodSchools #EducationCareers #HiringNow #JoinOurTeam
8 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
IAS Hiring Elementary Special Education Teacher
📢 Join Our Team! Ironwood Area Schools is Hiring! 📢 We are excited to announce that we are looking for a dedicated full-time Secondary Math Teacher to join our amazing team! If you have a passion for helping students succeed, we want to hear from you! 💼 Position Available: Full-Time Secondary Math Teacher 🏫 Location: Ironwood Area Schools But that's not all! We have multiple other job positions available as well. Explore all the opportunities to join our supportive and dynamic community. 👉 Visit our website for a complete list of job openings and to apply: #IronwoodSchools #EducationCareers #HiringNow #JoinOurTeam
8 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
IAS Hiring Secondary Math Teacher
IRONWOOD AREA SCHOOLS Schools of Choice Notice Ironwood Area Schools of Gogebic County is participating in the Schools of Choice Plan as provided in Sections 105 and 105(C) of the 1996 State Aid Act. Parents/Guardians should contact the building principal, Mrs. Nigh, with questions regarding specific programs and classes. Vocational programming is not included in the Schools of Choice Plan since a cooperative agreement for the inclusion of students from all area schools already controls area-wide vocational classes. The Ironwood Area School District is accepting unlimited enrollment unless specified below. Applications for students are due to the district of choice between August 15, 2024 and September 5, 2024. All students currently enrolled as Schools of Choice students need not reapply but may call the school district to verify their status. By law, families with children in Schools of Choice programs are given preference over other siblings, but otherwise, all schools may not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religious belief, or academic ability. Applications and details of program availability are presently available at the Main K-12 Office of Luther L. Wright K-12 School.
8 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
IAS Schools of Choice
In conjunction with Ironwood Area Schools Summer Food Service Program at Depot Park, The Historic Ironwood Theater Presents a FREE summer movie for all families. Bring your kids for FREE Lunch at Depot Park on Tuesday Aug 13th between 11:00am and 12noon then walk on over to Historic Ironwood Theater in Downtown Ironwood for a Free Movie at 12:30pm. Concessions not included. You do not need to be a student of Ironwood Area Schools to participate in The Free Lunch or The Free movie. Lets fill this Theater like the old days.
8 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
Free Movie HIT
IAS is accepting applications for the following: Cheerleading Coach, PT/SY Parapros (5 hrs. p/day), FT/SY Bus Drivers/Parapros (8 hrs. p/day), PT Bus Drivers, Sub Bus Drivers & Sub Food Service. Details available at:
8 months ago, Carolyn Mieloszyk
Now Hiring Image
IAS is accepting applications for a Full-Time, School Year ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL SECRETARY/ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION DROP-OUT PREVENTION SUPPORT PARAPROFESSIONAL. A detailed Job Description is available at:
8 months ago, Carolyn Mieloszyk
Now Hiring Image
IAS is accepting applications for a Full-Time, School Year K-12 SECRETARY/ATTENDANCE COORDINATOR/PUPIL ACCOUNTING. A detailed Job Description is available at:
8 months ago, Carolyn Mieloszyk
Now Hiring Image
Our Centennial school tours are officially underway! 🚌 You can look for the bus at Festival Ironwood on Suffolk St., east of the Depot. We can't wait to show you around and share our school's remarkable achievements and milestones. See you there!
8 months ago, Chantel Spear
LLW Tour
Good news! Due to high interest levels, we're opening another round of orders for our Luther L. Wright Centennial shirts! Don't miss out! Place your order before midnight on August 9, 2024. Expected delivery dates are between August 20-23, 2024. If you ordered from the last batch, we're still waiting for it to arrive, but it should be here soon.
8 months ago, Elizabeth Regnier
LLW Centennial Shirt for sale
Attention Ironwood Families! Great opportunity to make a difference: Do you have time to talk to a teenager about what American families are really like and what our freedom means? The patience to have conversations at dinner and in the car to help them improve their English? If so, you might be a great family for a lucky teenager from Spain, Italy, Brazil, Germany, France, South Korea, Norway or another country! If you've ever considered a student but been nervous about the commitment, it is possible to WELCOME a student for as little as 6 weeks. This allows kids to get their visa, be enrolled in a school, and book their flight. They will never forget the family that helped make their dream come true. They have their own insurance and money for necessities. Families provide meals at home and a supportive atmosphere. To learn about some of the available kids, you can click these links to see brief descriptions of them: Available Male Students 2024: Available Female Students 2024: For more information, call or text Lauren Lachen, Senior District Representative with International Cultural Exchange Services at 906-231-4852 or email
9 months ago, Chantel Spear
Hosting Flyer
Hosting Flyer 2