Contact Us
Attendance • (906) 932-0932 • Press 1
Leave a brief message with your child's name, your name, your phone number, and the reason for the absence. This additional line has been added for your convenience and will be available 24 hours per day.
K-12 Attendance Coordinator/Pupil Accounting
Rachel Behrendt--(906) 932-0932 Ext. 102
Principal's Office
Luther L. Wright K-12 School
650 E. Ayer St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
(906) 932-0932
K-12 Principal - Melissa Nigh - Ext. 101
Elementary Secretary - Chantel Spear - Ext. 120
7-12 Secretary - Deb Trapp - Ext. 405
Student Services Secretary - Pamela Lorenson - Ext. 103
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director - Daniel Niemi - Ext. 404
Fax (906) 932-3082
Superintendent's Office
Ironwood Area Schools
650 E. Ayer St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
(906) 932-0200
Fax: (906) 932-9915
Superintendent - Daniel Martinson
Superintendent's Secretary - Carolyn Mieloszyk
Special Education Office
650 E. Ayer St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
(906) 932-0932 Ext. 429
Special Ed Supervisor -
Adam Mackey
Alternative Education
(906) 932-0932
Ext. 301
Alt. Ed Secretary -
Elizabeth Regnier